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전문분야 - 비듬,가려움,염증,뾰루지,두피건선,중금속오염 등 두피트러블----원형탈모,남성.여성형탈모,산후탈모,갱년기탈모등 모든유형의 탈모 - 정확한 진단,맞춤형 유지관리,합리적인 가격으로 최단기간 완벽한 결과만을 생각하는 두피/탈모 전문센터 닥터플러스 입니다. professional field - Dandruff, itching, inflammation, rash, scalp, scalp, heavy metal pollution, etc. Two-feetable----Circular hair, male.Women's hair loss, postpartum hair, retinal hair, and all types of hair - This is Dr. Plus, a scalp/ hair loss center that thinks only the shortest possible time and perfect results with accurate diagnosis, customi